Kamis, 10 September 2009

Arabian Night Festival @ La Piazza (Sate Africa)

The story is me and the sista want to try “Sate Africa” so after office hour we go to La Piazza for having it, till there I change my mind cause I can stand with the smell of the “Sate”smoke yaksssssss @_@ they said it's a lamb chop but the smell is just like goat actually, but the other sista still eat it....

FYI the price is : Rp. 30.000 (inc. Drink) N the rice can be change to fried banana

I prefer eat normal cuisine n the choice is goes to MEAT BALL wkwkwkwk really love meat ball, it so hot, spicy, sour it's refreshed ;) I don”t take the picture of the meat ball cause I am so concentrate to eat it xixixixi, N for  the price is Rp. 10.000.

Here is the appetizer, a little bit shocking price Rp. 20.000 it just a lychee fruit sirup concentrate with jelly Nutrijell N Basil fruit plus a slice of Peach -_-

By the way this is the money we used to pay here ini arabian festival  


Udah lama Ga Ngerawat muka, badan & gigi, alhasil muka makin kucel, item, dekil huhhh T_T akhirnya minggu lalu memutuskan membeli lagi semua perlengkapan Beauty Care Dr. Eva Mulia, udah lbh setengah tahun pake produk kecantikan ini, hasilnya hmmm ga tau jg yah secara ga apik makenya, kadang pake, ga kaga, kadang campur sm produk lain alhasil ga jelas muka gw heheheh (ini mah bawaan orok ;p) tp basicly muka gw emang ga neko2 sehhh, ga da masalah, cm pengen bersih, putih (ga Mungkin), dan halus ajah getu :)

Ini beberapa produk yg gw beli kemaren

Dan ini Price List nya :

Cleansing Milk = Rp. 15.000

Astringent = Rp. 15.000

Beauty Soap = Rp. 10.000

Non Oily Skin Supplement = Rp. 20.000

Obat Bersih = Rp. 50.000

Sun Screen = Rp. 20.000

Sun Block = Rp 30.000 (kl ga salah)

Two Way Cake = Rp. 50.000

Peeling Khusus = Rp. 50.000

Beauty Mask = Rp. 10.000

Whitening Mask = Rp. 50.000

Night Cream 2 = Rp. 50.000

Cream Mata = RP. 20.000

Acne Lotion = Rp. 15.000

Produk Eva lumayan terjangkau, ga gila2an lah harganya :) kl gw aturan mainnya gini, Pagi pake moisturizernya (Non Oily Skin Supplement) + Sun Screen ato kadang pake Obat Bersih + Sun Screen trs Bedakan pake Two Way Cake nya, br nyoba jg ini bedak, kliatannya she bagus secara gw jg bedak ganti2 ajah sesuai hati lg pengen apa :p hehehe....Trs malem abis cuci muka pake sabunnya (harusnya Cleansing Milk + Toner + Sabun tp gw malesssssssssss, secara sabun mukanya ajah dagh Ngeribetin, masih model batangan gt boo) abis itu br deyh pake Cream Malam (OV 3) + Cream Mata (kl gw pake cream malem paginya muka gw ky shinny gt loch)......dan buat perawatan stepnya biasalah Cleansing Milk + Toner + Sabun + Peeling Khusus (gw demen sama yang satu ini, soalnya dia kl dipake ky digigit2 gt muka trs tanpa gw pencetin komedo gw ilang sendiri :D tp komedo gw emang ga ekstremm sehh biasa ajah gt) + Masker Whitening (wanginya enak) + Acne Lotion kl lg ada jerawat.....Satu lagi ada Sun Block nya jg buat kl kita main di panas2an cm gw ga gt suka nehhh soalnya tebelllll banget gt trs mengkilappp jd ga natural ~_~

Hmmm I think Eva Should pay me for this testimonial heheheh

Sebelum pake Beauty Care dari Dr. Eva, gw pake ERHA Klinik lumayan mahal siy tp bagus cm rada keras kata orang2, kl di gw tetep Biasa ajah gt hehehe betenya skrg sistemnya hrs pake resep kl maw beli obat dan gw males amat kudu ke dokternya secara muka gw ga bermasalah makanya jadi beralih ke Eva Mulia deyh....Kl dulu2nya lagi pake Tull Jye, Qian Lee, Ponds, apalagi yahh??? mayan macem2 ga jelas gt trs pas baca bahayanya pake produk2 ga jelas apalagi obat cina ikhhh jd takut bgt, even rada ribet yah pake produk kecantikan yg engga dijual bebas di toko kosmetik ato supermarket tp paling ga sepertinya lebih aman buat kulit ato paling ga ada yg bisa disalahin kl ada apa2 hehehe :)